
People Change

Today’s post is going to be about something everyone goes through in life, everyone.

I’ve lost count of how many people I have met in life that used to be close to me, close as in a real sister/brother. When I was young (teenager) I always thought that it was weird to suddenly grow apart from someone. I thought if you’re really close to someone then you’ll be friends forever…but boy I was wrong. I was too young to understand life, too young to understand how the human brain works.

People change, you change, everyone changes. Some friends change so much that you’re willing to drop the friendship for good because there is too much negativity to it. Negativity won’t lead you to any good so better off without it. Childhood friends ends up nothing but a memory in the end. Sounds a bit sad I know.

Now, I am not saying that all my childhood friends are out of the window, don’t get me wrong. I still have some friends that I’ve known since kindergarden and I know for a fact that we will be friends no matter what happens. Why? Because we keep it real. By that I mean if we have something against each other we tell, we don’t hide it and talk shit about it. That’s what a true friendship is about. You argue, talk it out and then you resolve it, like you do in a relationship. You know who your true friends are that you can count on no matter what.

I’ve had a lot of “best” friends in the past that didn’t grow up, spoke shit constantly, couldn’t stop lying and couldn’t stop with their drama and keep they couldn’t their shit together. These kind of friends are just not worth your time. Some friends you used to be good terms with suddenly changed in a way you didn’t like and you just wanted to leave. It has happened to me quite a bunch of times. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining, I am just explaining it for you to understand that people change along their path of life, nobody stays the same. I am not saying that change is bad thing but sometimes, some changes might not be as good as you hoped they would be. Some friends also end up dropping you out of their lives, that has also happened to me a few times. I always question myself and think, is there something wrong with me? Have I done something wrong? If you haven’t done anything then it’s probably because they couldn’t handle your awesomeness. Some girl I used to know (I was 13 at the time) told me on the phone that she couldn’t handle me because I had too much energy (LOL) so yeah there you go, she wanted to hang with boring people. Good for her.

My whole point with this post is that don’t dwell about the past over old friends, it’s just part of life. Along your own path you will stubble on new friends, new faces and get new memories. Keep your chin up and smile.

(picture above was taken in Sequoia Parks, California)

– Siara

1 Comment

  1. They say “people in your life are seasons” and indeed family, friends and even lovers, can only stay with you for so long. People pass away, move, relationships end. People aren’t with you forever. There’s an ebb and flow, just like that of the seasons.That’s mostly just life but sometimes the way and the suddenness people can change and move away from you can be hard to swallow though. Especially when you had a special bond with that friend. Sometimes it’s even a lover.
    I have also experienced that a lot these past couple years and then you always think that there’s something wrong with you, about yourself.
    But I have learnt with experience that when people try to get away from you it tells more about them and sometimes their problems with themselves than you.

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